Physical World (Chapter 1)
ISC Syllabus
Scope of Physics and its application in everyday life. Nature of physical laws.
Physics and its branches (only basic knowledge required); fundamental laws and fundamental forces in nature (gravitational force, electro-magnetic force, strong and weak nuclear forces; unification of forces).
Application of Physics in technology and society (major scientists, their discoveries, inventions and laws/principles to be discussed briefly).
Physicsl World Notes 2022-1
Physicsl World Notes 2022-2
Physicsl World Notes 2022-3
Physicsl World Notes 2022-4
Physicsl World Notes 2022-5
Physicsl World Notes 2022-6
Physicsl World Notes 2022-7
Physicsl World Notes 2022-8
Physicsl World Notes 2022-9
Physicsl World Notes 2022-10
Physicsl World Notes 2022-11